Face recognition NHS COVID passport & EURO Vaccine Green Pass Reader access control devices

3G Mobile CCTV have launced a range of face recognition NHS COVID passport & EURO Vaccine Green Pass Reader access control system for clubs, bars, restaurants and public venues for checking NHS COVID passports and EURO vaccine Green pass validity and authectication with a built in body temperature sensor and face recognition. These devices will help venue operators and owners check the authenticity of COVID passports issued by local health departments to prove that individuals have received the correct COVID vaccinations and help control the spread of the virus through close contact in clubs, pubs, bars, concerts, theatres and other public spaces where people are in close contact.

We offer a range of devices with built in QR barcode scanners, cameras and termperature sensors that have facial recognition technology after scanning the individuals COVID vaccine passport QR barcode and then confirm their body temperature is normal via the optional temperature sensor.